Plattformübergreifend prüfen

mit Next-Exam

Sicher prüfen leicht gemacht

Google Forms
Microsoft 365

Über Next-Exam

Mit Hilfe von Next-Exam können Schulen schnell und unkompliziert eine sichere digitale Prüfungsumgebung bereitstellen, die Datenschutz, Sicherheit vor Schummeln und vor allem Sicherheit vor Datenverlust während der Prüfung garantiert.

Die Zielgruppe dieser Software besteht in erster Linie aus AHS und MS an denen die notwendige Infrastruktur für Prüfungsumgebungen, die ein kabelgebundenes LAN, Domaincontroller und Benutzerkonten benötigen, sowie das Personal um derart komplexe Systeme zu warten fehlt.
Diese setzen in der Regel oft auf BYOD (bring your own device).

Derzeit werden folgende Prüfungsmodi unterstützt:
Mathematik (Geogebra)
Sprachen (Ein Texteditor mit optionaler Rechtschreibhilfe in Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Spanisch und Italienisch)
Eduvidual (Schüler:innen erhalten Zugang zu einem Eduvidual bzw. Moodle Test)
Google Forms (Schüler:innen wird das gewünschte Google Formular zum Ausfüllen angezeigt)
Microsoft 365 (Ein von der Lehrperson gewähltes Excel Sheet oder Word Dokument kann von den Schüler:innen bearbeitet werden)


Next-Exam benötigt eine Netzwerkverbindung (LAN, Wireless LAN, optional Internet) und kann derzeit auf den Betriebssystemen
Windows, Linux und MacOS in Form einer "portable" App genutzt werden.


Next-Exam wird unter der freien Lizenz GPLv3 entwickelt und darf der Lizenz entsprechend eingesetzt und verbreitet werden.
Die Entwicklung der Software kann auf GitLab verfolgt werden.

Die digitale Prüfungsumgebung ist im Kontext des "LiFE" Projektes unter dem Namen "Life-Exam" entstanden und wurde "from scratch" Plattformübegreifend mit modernen Technolgien neu konzipiert und entwickelt.

Download Next-Exam 1.0.0 (Release Candidate 5)



> Release Notes && past/future Releases


Muss ich eine Firewallausnahme zulassen?
Es handelt sich bei Next-Exam um eine Netzwerkapplikation.
Um volle Funktionsfähigkeit zu gewährleisten muss die Firewall die App durchlassen.
Sollte die Ausnahme für die Schüler:innen nicht gesetzt werden können, so muss für den Verbindungsaufbau
die IP Adresse der Lehrperson genutzt werden.

Welche Ports werden von Next-Exam verwendet?
Die Teacher-API (Schnittstelle) nutzt den Port 22422 (tcp).
Um "autodiscovery" von Prüfungen zu ermöglichen sollte im lokalen Netzwerk zudem Multicast erlaubt sein.
Die Multicastports (udp) in Verwendung sind 6024 und 6025.

Microsoft Edge blockiert den Download von "unbekannten" Apps.
Quickfix: Chrome oder Firefox benutzen
  • Menü Downloads (oben rechts)
  • Das Menü (3 Punkte) der heruntergeladenen Datei öffnen -> "Beibehalten"
  • Im neuen Dialog "Mehr anzeigen" wählen -> "Trotzdem Beibehalten"

  • Windows warnt vor dem Start von "unbekannten" Apps.
  • Beim Start der App: Erweitert -> "Trotzdem starten"

  • Ubuntu 22.04 kann *.AppImage Pakete nicht starten.
  • libfuse2 muss auf Ubuntu nachinstalliert werden.
  • sudo apt install libfuse2

  • Sammelt Next-Exam persönliche Daten von Schüler:innen oder Lehrpersonen?
    Next-Exam sammelt keinerlei Daten.
    Vorhandene Tracking-Skripte in externen Modulen wurden deaktiviert.
    Screenshots der Schüler:innen werden am Teacher-System nicht gespeichert, außer die Software meldet
    den Versuch die Pürfungsumgebung zu verlassen.
    Sollten sie den Moodle Prüfungsmodus bzw. die Microsoft365 Option nutzen um eine Prüfung mit Hilfe von Excel abzuhalten,
    verlassen sie die kontrollierte Umgebung von Next-Exam. Es gelten die Datenschutzbestimmungen des jeweiligen Dienstes.

    Wo kann ich Fehler oder Verbesserungsvorschläge anbringen?
    Die Software wird als freie Software auf Gitlab gehostet.
    Bugs und Featurerequests sollten daher hier veröffentlicht werden: GitLab Issues

    Wie kann ich mich für die Entwicklung von Next-Exam erkenntlich zeigen?
    Die Software nutzen, Kolleg:innen einschulen, Bugs melden und Featurerequests einbringen,
    gerne auch spenden. Vielen Dank!


    Verantwortlich für den Inhalt:
    Mag. Thomas Michael Weissel
    Carinthia/Austria - 9210 Pörtschach - Seeuferstraße 95
    valueerror (at) gmail (dot) com

    Der Schutz Ihrer persönlichen Daten ist uns ein besonderes Anliegen.
    Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten daher ausschließlich auf Grundlage der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen (DSGVO).
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    Dies sind:
    - Browsertyp und Browserversion
    - verwendetes Betriebssystem
    - Referrer URL
    - Hostname des zugreifenden Rechners
    - Uhrzeit der Serveranfrage
    - IP-Adresse

    Eine Zusammenführung dieser Daten mit anderen Datenquellen wird nicht vorgenommen.

    Links zu anderen Websites
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    Wir haben keinen Einfluss darauf, dass deren Betreiber die Datenschutzbestimmungen einhalten.

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    Ihnen stehen grundsätzlich die Rechte auf Auskunft, Berichtigung, Löschung, Einschränkung, Datenübertragbarkeit,
    Widerruf und Widerspruch zu. Wenn Sie glauben, dass die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten gegen das Datenschutzrecht verstößt
    oder Ihre datenschutzrechtlichen Ansprüche sonst in einer Weise verletzt worden sind,
    können Sie sich bei der Aufsichtsbehörde beschweren.

    Auf diesem Webangebot kommen keine Cookies zum Einsatz!



    Next-Exam 1.0.0 LTS

    # this branch will be non-breaking and will contain small bugfixes only

    Next-Exam 1.0.0 (release candidate 6) (dev)

    # fix: parent process detection to block starts from browsers
    # feat: block stickykeys popup on windows
    # fix: tab key behaviour in disableshortcuts on windows
    # fix: screenshot ocr handling and unlocking students
    # refactor: removed and replaced sharp library because of macos arm64 problems with pure JS
    # feat: added screenshot fallback for missing permissions on macos
    # fix: mac systray icon,
    # fix: do not recheck via ocr if already locked
    # fix: handle ctrl+alt+(del)
    # feature: implemented language tool for macos teacher x64
    # fix: languagetool highlights in zoom states
    # feat: msi installer
    # improvement: global sorted settings menu
    # fix: wayland screenshot support via flameshot
    # feat: splitview for pdf and images
    # improvement: show server address field if no servers are found
    # improvement: better virtualization detection and wayland
    # improvement: upgrade to electron 32 and all other deps
    # improvement: create unique subfolder for every exam
    # feat: allow audio playback restrictions for listening comprehensions
    # feat: allow teachers to lockdown students locally without a teacher connecton and secure via password
    # improvement: stop autoabgabe in forms,moodle,website mode
    # feat: minimize student to systemtray - allow disconnect via context menu
    # improvement: moved exam directories to desktop
    # feat: allow reset connection by student in unlocked mode
    # improvement: smooth scroll into view of misspelled words - languagetool
    # feat: languagetool with hunspell fallback. refactoring privateSpellcheck
    # feat: added OCR option to scan screenshots for pin code
    # feat: allow custom websites to open and lock in exammode
    # feat: allow deleting files of single student
    # improvement: block teacher from leaving exam view accidentially via hotkeys
    # improvement: always show workfolder in startserver view
    # improvement: cleaner offline student representation
    # improvement: inform teacher on re-connect of student
    # improvement: only poll server in advanced mode if no connection
    # improvement: be more verbose in index if nopdf
    # improvement: make long printer names visible in ui
    # fix: allow moodle domains with subfolders
    # fix: make sure windows doesnt mess up filesystem and pdf managment while being case-IN-sensitive for whatever reason
    # fix: charcount for msword pdfs
    # fix: get filetime from file not folder for index
    # fix: getpdf for combined if foldertime is wrong (use foldername as fallback)
    # fix: character count in editor on selection
    # fix: catch spawn errors on windows
    # fix: count chars for index
    # fix: create index with invalid or no pdf

    Next-Exam 1.0.0 (release candidate 5) (current)

    # fix: check-disk-space && prevent-sleep import with new vite bundler
    # improvement: focuslost on mouseleave
    # improvement: activate macos spaces removal script
    # fix: copy to clipboard on exit
    # improvement: do not open corrupt pdf files, warn with instructions on pdf write error
    # improvement: better test experience for other moodle instances
    # fix: geogebra abgabe
    # improvement: register global shortcuts only after exam mode started
    # improvement: show status message on accepted direct print request
    # improvement: round batterylevel
    # refactor: wait for pdf saving before transfer
    # improvement: instant refresh filelist on save or delfolder
    # feat: include index table of all students in combined.pdf with name, chars, date
    # fix: prefer alternative filename (on writeerror) in combined pdf and print request
    # breaking: fixed mayor memory bloat problem
       moved all occurances of setInterval to custom eventbased scheduler
       moved from axios to fetch and from formdata to base64 strings - breaks api
    # improvement: sub-release info visible in student ui
    # improvement: allow german special chars in student names
    # fix: allow pdf preview for files with spaces in name
    # improvement: better registration fail message
    # improvement: always save .bak and .pdf in editor - try under random name if write error
    # fix: new mac entitlements needed for successful build
    # improvement: upgrade basic node modules, vite, vue, ..
    # improvement: inform on ms365 connection problem and disconnect
    # feat: allow image preview in all exam modes
    # fix: prevent printrequest loop
    # feat: added office365 logout button
    # feat: open pdf in external reader optionally, unload pdf chromium plugin and url correctly
    # refactor: unique ids for empty studentwidgets
    # feat: change editor to din A4 width, show correctionmargin
    # feat: geogebra clipboard
    # improvement: select default printer, allow direct print for students
    # refactor: move axios to fetch in student
    # feat: run fetchexam on beginning of exam to test read-write
    # fix: timestring for focuslost on windows
    # fix: do not activate individual spellcheck in a loop forever
    # fix: serverpolling advanced mode in combination with multicast
    # refactor: unified header component for all exam modes
    # refactor: better flexbox header, changed timesinceentry to currenttime, added battery percentage
    # improvement: inform client on every kind of pdf write error
    # feat: disable ttys on wayland gnome
    # feat: enable autoabgabe in editor per default setting
    # feat: allow editor backups under different name, save bak file every 20sek
    # feature: allow image previews in word
    # feature: display image previews (jpg, png) in editor
    # minor: o365 error reporting
    # refactor: "replace" function with tiptap extension
    # usability: ui changes for printer selection
    # fix: windows printing
    # refactor: no individual spellcheck if language is 'other'
    # refactor: streamlined spellcheck for individual students
    # fix: spellcheck with suggestions, language mandatory
    # fix: print() crashes electron on gnome
    # feat: clear button for geogebra
    # improvement: no focus warning block if no connection to teacher
    # improvement: allow start without permissions on mac
    # improvement: make detached print more robust if there is a problem with the file

    Next-Exam 1.0.0 (release candidate 4)

    # fix sendfile doesn't show audio files
    # fix printrequest denied even if accepted on windows
    # fix detached pdf and image printing from backend
    # fix next-exam start blocked on mac without permissions (some macs are buggy)
    # fix exiting exam doesn't exit all exam processes and blocks future exam start
    # fix sharp library not existent on arm64 macs and blocks start of next-exam student
    # fix global spellcheck disables itself on every update cycle
    # fix individual spellcheck stays enabled forever
    # fix freespace warning appears on next-exam start

    Next-Exam 1.0.0 (release candidate 3)

    # properly remove examwindow on examexit
    # fixed focus warning on examstart for macos
    # moved printrequest button to editor toolbar
    # fixed print request path
    # fixed accumulation of eventlisteners
    # completely removed jquery dependencies
    # moved more ipc calls to async
    # detached print job from render process
    # fixed spellcheck info in pdf creation
    # reduced screenshot size and quality to reduce overhead and streamline performance
    # play audiofiles in editor
    # added linespacing and fontfamily to editor
    # disable startexam button if no network
    # added applescript to handle mission control
    # implemented logger to file for student and teacher
    # introduced option to activate spellcheck for specific students
    # fixed multicastclient without gateway for teacher
    # do not lock primary screen if cloned
    # make plasmashell start detached
    # fixed kde multiscreen and shortcuts.. again
    # fixed disabling screenshotinterval completely
    # examwindow setvisible on all workspaces
    # fixed alternate moodle domain login
    # fixed screenlockwindow for secondary screens on kde
    # removed insert pictures from local device in word
    # make focuswarning block everything
    # allow multicast client without gateway
    # revert back to random tmp folder on windows
    # automatically remove trailing ond leading spaces in usernames
    # verbose fileerror info
    # merge BiP and other changes
    # moved all critical calls to async non-blocking
    # fix autosubmission interval
    # copy editor content to clipboard on exit
    # do not show search info if already found exam
    # added sass file to override bootstrap colors
    # added info overlay in dashboard
    # changed behaviour of delfolder on student computers
    # kill multiple workspaces on gnome/kde
    # added insert special chars menu in editor
    # fix displaylock css
    # display warning on file permission errors for students
    # added splashscreen for windows
    # fixed error 500 on open workdirectory from studentview if latestFolder can not be found
    # fix browserview on macos
    # menubar fix for microsoft365
    # autoclose connection success info for students
    # moved to bootstrap node module - deleted static files
    # changed pdf header fontsize and added servername to pdf
    # moved microsoft365 to browserview because of webview limitations
    # moved gforms and eduvidual to webview - top information/tool bar is now visible
    # quit teacher app completely on macs
    # kill unwanted apps before entering exam mode
    # fixed scrollbars in edtior zoom
    # fixed zoom state in pdf creation (reset to default before print)
    # deactivate lockscreen and killswitch shortcuts on kde plasmashell
    # allow to copy and paste with style information
    # removed dictionaries from teacher
    # fixed crash if workdir is deleted after next-exam-student is started and exam mode is activated
    # added copyright information
    # resume previous exams and auto-set all values to previously stored serverstatus
    # implemented systemindependent SpellChecker for editor
    # added word365 option and printrequest option for word and excel
    # added functional exam-menu to all 3rdparty apps
    # made PDFs accessable from within 3rdparty exammode
    # added copy&paste buttons in editor
    # refactor: moving all status vars to serverstatus object
    # keeping exam-lock status in 3rdparty apps, showing exit button and warning instead of automatically unlocking
    # fixed printrequest if folder doesnt exist, added automated retreival of newest file
    # added visible border for annotiations to pdfs
    # deactivate spellcheck on macos because it only works in systemlanguage and ignores all other settings
    # fixed crash of teacher app on folder select
    # workdirectory fix, resume with same pin
    # hide serverstatus file in dashboard
    # disabled shared clipboard on macos until we find a better way
    # added 4 spaces on TAB
    # several smaller fixes
    # wip...

    Next-Exam 0.9.5

    # fixed bug that stops teacher from starting if workdirectory doesnt exist
    # do not allow to close screenlockwindow
    # do not load node-prevent-sleep on macos - leads to crash
    # fixed number of spare widgets, fixed gforms exit exam on connection loss
    # allow removal of previous exam folders
    # fixed temp folder makes it easier for firewall setup
    # german translations for tooltips
    # show selected words and chars in editor
    # implemented printrequest for students
    # more robust ms365 code, inform user about permission problems
    # excel security hacks
    # small fix label for examtype
    # truncate long studentnames in widgets
    # option to directly jump to latest student folder from detailview
    # next-exam overlay menu with custom functions for 3rdparty apps
    # additional security measures for eduvidual
    # german quotes in -blockquote- and autoreplace '' with „ while writing text
    # set keepabove level one level higher than popups on windows
    # resume exam button
    # update to electron 24

    Next-Exam 0.9.0

    # allow other moodle instances than eduvidual
    # prevent long exam names with special characters
    # list previous exams in exam-teacher
    # gets rid of 3fingerSlideUp and other gestures on windows
    # added option to choose filename for backup in geogebra
    # geogebra now saves as .ggb - student is able to backup geogebra manually
    # fixed static resources in packaged app
    # added google forms exam mode
    # added first version of microsoft365 - excel mode
    # added microsoft365 abgabe - onedrive files are now stored in local student folders as xlsx and as pdf
    # fix gnome blockwindow (remove titlebar)
    # disable buttons according to exam type
    # added another sleep prevention method for windows
    # code refactoring - moved several files to mimic exam-student code and folder structure
    # fixed exam header for macos, always show servername if set
    # play sound if student tries to exit exam
    # made pending request-abgabe task visible in student widget
    # fixed printing of pdf as student
    # audit fix - updated all modules
    # fixed color picker in editor on macos
    # fixed macos popups and tooltips in exam mode
    # fixed macos build - entitlements for code signing
    # store under different name if permission for student.pdf denied
    # fixed login with google
    # fixed eduvidual jail
    # fixed programmversion check
    # made pdf margins for annotations configurable (side/size)
    # made swal2-popup slightly transparent
    # fixed autoabgabe unset bug that leads to send-abgabe crash
    # fixed upper limit for student widgets - always keep 1 spare
    # fixed autoabgabe blocks selecting eduvidual exam type and changing screenshot interval
    # implemented check for old documents on fetch-all-exams - warn teacher
    # fallback to electron-pagecapture if screenshot library is missing
    # added screenshot interval setting
    # spellchecker language fix
    # allow spaces in student names
    # added directory check for write permissions
    # added free discspace check everytime we collect exams
    # added mousover info and toggle-more-options button to editor
    # added entitlement for macos to fix builds for applesilicon

    Next-Exam 0.8.0 (legacy)

    # MacOS signed and notarized launcher !
    # updated all modules
    # blocked navigation to external urls in editor through pdf links
    # fixed extra long words break editor
    # limited maximum characters in editor to 60k because of performance issues
    # fixed non-ascii chararters in files sent from teacher to students
    # fix exit of next-exam teacher on macs
    # Drag and Drop student widgets in teacher UI - manual sort
    # added free Discspace check and warning
    # autofetch interval is now visible in dashboard
    # hostname of student visible in studentview
    # detached heartbeat from status update - more reliable online-offline status
    # 1.5 lineheight in PDF for teacher comments
    # fixed eduvidual test icons - converted svgs to base64 for swal integration
    # deactivate lockscreen when entering or leaving exam to avoid confusion
    # fixed exitexam ok button if visual feedback from blockwin is still running
    # fix lockscreen size for windows
    # make lockscreen cover taskbar on windows
    # disable powersafer for clients
    # fixed focus stealing on windows at exam-start
    # fixed multiscreen lockdown regression
    # added blur-handler to screenlockwindow
    # add a wayland and imagemagick check for linux platform
    # deactivate examtype settings if exam is already running
    # added colors to text editor
    # better warning before killing the exam server
    # removed black backgrounds in pdf

    Next-Exam 0.7.0

    # add option to manually choose workdirectory
    # do not allow special chars in student names
    # allow geogebra switch between suite and classic
    # build mac universat package
    # added optional lockscreen to block students from working
    # fix bug for eduvidual test
    # added option to clean studentsfolders on exam exit
    # serving dictionaries folder from teacher - fix dictionaries
    # allow geogebra side menu in order to cleanup workspace
    # number of documents in students folder visible in studentwidget
    # added pincode to student header and re-connect inputfield
    # file buttons in dashboard-workfolderview are now active/inactive depending on filetype

    Next-Exam 0.6.0

    # display battery status in exam mode
    # print option for students
    # hide pdf overlay on pdf export
    # geogebra header fix
    # geogebra in german
    # fix function suggestions in geogebra
    # network re-check connection
    # check and inform about firewall problems
    # better timeout and error msg on firwall block
    # sort students alphabetically

    Next-Exam 0.5.4

    # autosave on exam-end
    # added complete table functionality to editor
    # added zoomIn and zoomOut to editor
    # added typography and smiley replacement to editor
    # instant reload filelist when receiving new files

    Next-Exam 0.5.2

    # receiving a backup file now triggers replace action for student
    # added new connection loss system also for geogebra
    # backup manually option for student
    # disconnect/reconnect handling in exam mode without leaving exam mode
    # do not enable restrictions in dev mode
    # display foldernames in locale time
    # changed timehint on backupcopy in editor to fileage
    # make user-offline more visible to teacher
    # disabling exam mode triggers a last backup for students
    # disabled META key for applauncher on kde-plasmashell
    # added powersaveblocker
    # fixed a memory bloat problem - moved from saving screenshots to disc to direct use of base64 string
    # filebrowser reverse sort and window height
    # completely removed node express for student
    # revamped texteditor backup-file system
    # moved ipc code to seperate script
    # removed control.js completely
    # removal of students express api - switching to IPC to reduce net overhead and complexity

    Next-Exam 0.4.0

    # updated from electron 16 to electron 21
    # changed pdf right border to make room for annotations
    # fixed dashboard workfolder regression
    # fixed crash on windows when executable is started a second time while first process is still loading, a new tmp dir is now created on every start/unpack
    # fixed ESC button cancels exit dialog and program quits
    # some small changes for the webserver version
    # fix deactivate spellcheck, cleaner spellcheck ui
    # fixed margin setting for pdf creation
    # blocked another 32 shortcotus for gnome dash-to-dock extension
    # disabled another 26 keybindings for gnome
    # fixed bug where examwindow is closed but still kept in memory and blocks creation of new examwindow
    # pinned spellchecker to exam type language, made devtools visibility configurable
    # implemented eduvidual test. login with google, login with microsoft, students are locked-in on the specified test
    # removed jspdf, added statusbar - wordcount - charcount to final pdf
    # added wordcount, redesigned whole html to pdf process resulting in perfect text pdfs with header and footer
    # added some security measures (windows display discovery)

    Next-Exam 0.3.3

    # fixed racecondition that leaves clients locked on connection loss or kick

    Next-Exam 0.3.2

    # fixed crash on special chars like öüä in exam name
    # fix i18n with updated node packages
    # 4 tries before connection loss
    # allow reconnection on connection loss, enable restrictions again
    # set onTop Level above screensaver and panel
    # fixed remove blur listener on connection loss
    # fixed open examwindow always on primary screen

    Next-Exam 0.3.1

    # fixed "get files from student" without safemode
    # simplyfied UI for electron teacher app (no password needed)
    # translations

    Next-Exam 0.3

    # fixed disable spellcheck
    # added multiscreen lock - prduction only
    # fixed crash when imagemagick library is missing on linux
    # added checkbox for optional suggestions
    # fixed kiosk mode for gnome desktop
    # fetching IP from network interface with default gateway
    # blocked gnome mutter overlay key binding
    # catching pdf and embedding it in eduvidual
    # added warning when trying to leave page on eduvidual
    # restructured the code.. split main.ts to windowhandler.js and communicationhandler.js
    # teacher and student are now testing for an active network connection on startup

    Next-Exam 0.2

    # moved all server > client communication to client-pull requests (firewall/external hosting friendly)
    # added statusbar and number of characters to editor component
    # added delete button in dashboard explorer
    # added visualfeedback to some tasks
    # spellchecker works now for en-GB, es, de, fr
    # made automatic retreival interval configurable
    # moved send file(s) to firewall friendly method (pull-only)
    # moved requestExam to firewall friendly method
    # trying to make multicast more reliable
    # if multicast is blocked for some reason all we need now is the serverIP - exams will be fetched automagically
    # fixed flickering in student detail view
    # cleanup html + better cleaner css
    # bigger interval for save function
    # added counter for connected students

    Next-Exam 0.1

    # added eduvidal exam mode option
    # fixed fetch abgabe for geogebra mode
    # added exit confirmation to student and teacher (production only)
    # completely changed the way exammode is initialized on server and client.. moved from push messages to pull requests
    # moved focus check out of views into main process, cleaned code
    # restructuring -> moving api and multicastclient to backend, separating co-dependencies from main, api and multicastclient
    # fixed build problem with form-data
    # moved all 3 exam modi to new (modal) window method
    # fixed save trigger
    # fixed virtualized
    # fixed kick and serverlost race condition
    # fixed ui css for 20+ students
    # fixed end exam event for all exam types
    # fixed newWindow show flickering
    # moved multicast client and express api to backend, fixed crypto.getrandomvalues error (teacher)
    # keep name on connection lost, do not open new window on reconnect - keep old exam window
    # fixed config exposing to renderer process
    # version bump - as this is hardly compatible anymore, finally fixed flickering in teacher UI.. yay!

    Next-Exam 0.0.6

    # switched API to HTTPS
    # fixed selfsigned cert error
    # trying to work around windows restrictions delay
    # disabled notification on tokencheck
    # fixed folder naming and sorting for fetching latest files on windows
    # hide windows keyboardshortcut catcher because it sometimes steals focus on exam start
    # added hostname/ip adress to dashboard
    # added advanced and simple mode for rare cases where multicast is not possible
    # added version check to student and teacher
    # changed dashboard css
    # added beautiful notifications to student
    # fixed crash on missing server folder
    # removed platform-folders as native node provides the same functionality without platform specific builds
    # bug fixes for production env
    # streamlined exam login
    # deactivating startexam button if all students are already in kiosk mode

    Next-Exam 0.0.5

    # added servername to workdirectory # changed foldernames exam-student exam-teacher
    # added option to download latestwork of all students as single pdf and directly print
    # added clipboard clean code for gnome and x11
    # fixed clear-clipboard on macos
    # fixed touchbar import for mac - touchbar is blocked
    # added clear clipboard for kde, testing clearclipboard for windows
    # moved temp folder out of workfolder (zip in zip inception)
    # fixed timeout for save trigger
    # added savedocument trigger onAbgabe
    # added name-time header to document on save
    # fixed crash on focuslost because of missing directory
    # added gnome keybindings block
    # removed node global keylistener as it does not work on mac as expected
    # disable/enable all global keyboardshortcuts on linux/KDE
    # keep focus on exam-student in exam mode.. always!
    # fixed filepath error on focuslost